Hi All,
follow previous site- https://community.esri.com/t5/python-questions/insert-data-in-a-table-layer-arcgis-online-with/td-p/...
from arcgis.gis import GIS
import getpass
table_item_id = ""
gis = GIS(
password=getpass.getpass("enter password:")
hosted_table_item = gis.content.search(table_item_id)[3]
table = hosted_table_item.tables[3]
new_data = [{'attributes': {'OBJECTID': '2', 'Temp': '2'}}]
but it is error out, error message
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- KeyError Traceback (most recent call last) ~\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\arcgis\gis\__init__.py in ?(self, k) 13202 if not self._hydrated and not k.startswith("_"): 13203 self._hydrate() > 13204 return dict.__getitem__(self, k) KeyError: 'tables' During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: KeyError Traceback (most recent call last) ~\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_12232\2640506681.py in ?() 10 ) 11 12 hosted_table_item = gis.content.search(table_item_id)[3] 13 ---> 14 table = hosted_table_item.tables[3] 15 new_data = [{'attributes': {'OBJECTID': '2', 'Temperature': '23.3'}}] 16 table.edit_features(adds=new_data) ~\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\arcgis\gis\__init__.py in ?(self, name) 13170 print(e) 13171 pass 13172 return self["layers"] 13173 elif name == "tables": > 13174 if self["tables"] == None or self["tables"] == []: 13175 try: 13176 with _common_utils._DisableLogger(): 13177 self._populate_layers() ~\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\arcgis\gis\__init__.py in ?(self, k) 13200 return dict.__getitem__(self, k) 13201 except KeyError: 13202 if not self._hydrated and not k.startswith("_"): 13203 self._hydrate() > 13204 return dict.__getitem__(self, k) KeyError: 'tables'
please help