Is there a way to build a quick simple map from CSV like geopandas or plotly? The code is like 2-3 lines in plotly but arcpy it seems like I am forced to build a Pro Project and all of that.
I don't want to use plotly since I am trying to avoid adding more packages vs the built in. I was hoping I could just make a XY Event layer, add a basemap, and done.
thanks a lot
Can we assume that you don't want to use Jupyter Notebooks and the arcgis api? ( 4. Explore Interactive Mapping Options!)
Five Tips To Get You Started With Jupyter Notebook (
then there is the probably installed matplotlib options
Drawing a Map Background — Basemap Matplotlib Toolkit 1.2.1 documentation
Would Mapbox work?
This is what I include in automated emails to plot points on a Mapbox street basemap in the email body via Python.
(replace the TOKEN with your API Mapbox TOKEN)
EmailBody += "\n<b>Map of Ticket Location: </b><br>"
EmailBody += r'''<img width="600" src="'''+str(x)+''','''+str(y)+'''/'''+str(x)+''','''+str(y)+''',13,0/600x300@2x?access_token=TOKEN">'''