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Hi Xander Bakker thank you for above script. I have tested and it works using my data.
But I have question. Let say I have timeseries raster data from 1981 to 2016, its the max of daily rainfall in a year, so its just 1 raster data for 1 year. For each cell in x,y location from 1981 to 2016, I would like to calculate the percentile of i.e 90%.
How to calculate the percentile for each cell from timeseries raster using your script?
Solved! Go to Solution.
Define Projection.... as per usual in the Data Management tools, Projections and Transformations
Thank you Dan, finally I managed to add the spatial ref.
I added info on line 23-27 to line 30
out = arcpy.NumPyArrayToRaster(n_90, arcpy.Point(114.4317366,-8.8492618), x_cell_size=0.049242234706753, y_cell_size=0.049242234706753, value_to_nodata=0)
Ahhh that is what I was referring to in a previous post. That was the missing information when I originally ran it.