Hi, I'm having difficulty setting the IDE used opened by ArcGIS pro when I right-click a script and select Edit. I have tried to enter the filepath to pyscripter.exe in under geoprocessing options, but even so only the standard text editor opens. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Thank you!
You might want to consider Spyder since it is part of the Anaconda distribution that surrounds PRO. There is also Jupyter notebook and IPython console etc
creating shortcuts https://community.esri.com/blogs/dan_patterson/2017/07/01/arcgis-pro-2-creating-desktop-shortcuts
plus there are others on my blog
I am not sure why it isn't working. I have successfully changed it to the bundled Idle that comes with ArcGIS Pro as well as PyCharm. If I get a chance to install PyScripter, I will give it a shot and see if it works.
I have the same problem. No matter what I set the editor to be (even tried Word, Excel, Notepad++), the editor "most of the time" defaults to notepad. In the times that it doesn't, and defaults to idle, edits made and saved with idle replace the entire script with the path of the script.
try Spyder, I have been using it for a long time.
Also... put those scripts in a toolbox, I can't tell from the movie whether you are using catalog view or whatever.
You can even set up a default toolbox if needed, or use the one that is created in your project. When you right-click on one of those scripts, Spyder does open to edit it.
Are you searching within a toolbox that you created for the python scripts in your post?
Dan, the problem is, I can't really customize my py or pro environment, we're moving toward centralized installs/images, even on my machine, so Spyder is not in the cards...scripts are in a toolbox....
Michael, not sure what searching is....I have a toolbox embedded in a Pro template with the scripts "Imported". When I open a new project using the template, and attempt to "edit" a script, all I get is notepad (most of the time) regardless of what py editor I list in options.
Have you tried going directly to the location of the script on your network in Windows Explorer and right-clicking on the script file? When I do this on my network I get the following options after a default installation of Pro:
I choose Edit with IDLE and I'm using IDLE to modify and run my script and not NotePad.
Yeah, that location changes with each new project. Here's an instance of where it opens in Idle:
Make an edit:
Save, and reopen in editor. Defaults back to notepad, deleted the script:
Kory Kramer any chance that you will be installing the various python IDE's by default before the 31st (aka the update)?
ie Spyder, IPython, Jupyter console, Jupyter notebook. ( a pipe dream for those in locked down world I suppose)