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Geopandas to PostGIS to ESRI?

05-14-2021 01:05 PM
Emerging Contributor

Hello, I apologize if this is in the wrong place, what I am trying to accomplish is load data via database connection from a PostGIS table.  In testing, I can use geopandas to export a load data from a shapefile and export it to a table in a PostgreSQL database. When I connect to that database via an esri product (catalog, pro, ect.) It will load the geometry in preview, but the table is blank. I have no problems if I use geopandas to write shapefile, and load the shapefile into the database via the PostGIS tool. I thought it could be a problem with a unique ID field, but I created a field titled 'FID' as the first column in the table. 

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2 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

What esri product are you using?

What version of python are you using?

Why do you have to use shapefiles and geopandas?

... sort of retired...
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Emerging Contributor

Use arcmap/catlog, and arcgis pro, but prefer to do analysis using pandas when possible. The reason I was looking at geopandas is it has easy methods for exporting and reading postGIS tables. I am running an second install of python from anaconda (not running geopandas on the ESRI install) python 3.8.5.

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