I have a point feature class A and another point feature class with text field B. Both feature classes can be joined by common field XFM_ID. How can I create a feature-linked annotation class C from feature class B so the annotations are linked to feature class A?
I tried the operation manually in ArcGIS PRO using convert labels to annotation. The task fails to create feature-linked annotation with fail 002635 (https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/2.8/tool-reference/tool-errors-and-warnings/001001-010000/tool-err...). The annotation is created, but is not feature-linked. Is it possible for you to join field first and then create the annotation?
Maybe you can update the "joined filed" via database trigger or some kind of attribution rule?
Thanks for your help. But I wants to align the exported annotations to points in feature class B. How can I shift the position of annotations in python script?