Compare two tables field values using wildcard

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01-12-2018 01:28 AM
New Contributor II

Hello, I'm currently working with one feature class table containing 400 000 objects and one database table containing 700 objects.  I'm currently working in ArcMap 10.4 and using a Geodatabase with Python 2.7. What I'm trying to do is match the database table containing 700 objects against the FC. What I want is to match them, treating all 700 objects as wildcars %700 ojects%, and match those towards the FC that contains text from the table.  I have 2 tables with 1 column in each that im trying to match. I have not yet found a good way to treat all rows in a column as wildcard to search against another column. 

This is my code so far. This only will print out what the database table values. Next i wanted to get the FC values and compare them. I've read about maybe using a dictionary to make it easier to extract values but I've yet to figure out how.

import arcpy, unicodedata, datetime, openpyxl 
arcpy.env.workspace =r"C:\Users\kaaper\Documents\DataDrivenPages\DataDrivenPages.gdb"

def rows_as_dicts(cursor):
    colnames = cursor.fields
    for row in cursor:
        yield dict(zip(colnames, row)

with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(r"C:\Users\kaaper\Documents\DataDrivenPages\DataDrivenPages.gdb\Ordbok", '*') as sc:
    for row in rows_as_dicts(sc):
        print row['field']‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

Any input will be appreciated.

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42 Replies
New Contributor II

The column named "field" from "Ordbok" is the one i want to compare to column "SNAVN" in "Navn" yes. Some will have same text some places in "field", but different diffraction. So both texts separated by comma must be compare with OR statement, so that they count both texts to a name. In "field" there are some accent marks, they can be ignored. Meaning the text is correct, but they have accent marks. I should've removed the accent marks when converting the file type, sorry about that. About those in parenthesis, they are as well something that can be ignored, since they only explain what the word means in a simplified text. The only text that should be taking into account from "field" is those that are separated by comma and don't have parenthesis around them. 

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MVP Alum

Is this the type of comparison you are attempting?  Will you be matching the terms in parenthesis?  Example: aita (gjerde)   Just match "aita"? Or "gjerde" as well?  Is a term like "grunnen" always at the end of the location's name?

Compare Tables

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New Contributor II

I answered above about those in parenthesis, short answer, no they should not be compared. Mostly the text will be at the end of a name yes, but in some cases it will be in the middle or first, so the wildcard is needed to be sure. From what I can see in the example, it's the way I want to compare the columns. The only thing is that it's "field" that contains the text, since "Navn" is the alias in Arcmap, the real name is "field" in "Ordbok". Hope this helps.

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Esri Esteemed Contributor

Just to see if the clear up more doubts about the desired result I wrote some code (just a test, really badly written) and I have attached the result applied to the csv files.


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

def main():
    import os

    csv_file_out = r'C:\GeoNet\SearchWildcard\Navn_test.csv'

    csv_file = r'C:\GeoNet\SearchWildcard\Ordbok.csv'
    cnt = 0
    lst_texts = []
    with open(csv_file, 'r') as f:
        for line in f.readlines():
            cnt += 1
            line = line.replace('\n', '')
            lst = line.split(';')
            lst_items = stripText2list(lst[3])

    # the large one
    csv_file = r'C:\GeoNet\SearchWildcard\Navn.csv'
    cnt = 0
    dct_hits = {}
    with open(csv_file_out, 'w') as f_out:
        with open(csv_file, 'r') as f:
            for line in f.readlines():
                cnt += 1
                if cnt % 1000 == 0:
                    print "Processing row:", cnt
                line = line.replace('\n', '')
                if cnt == 1:
                    line_out = line + ";result\n"
                lst = line.split(';')
                if len(lst) > 25:
                    lst_items = stripText2list(lst[25])
                    for lst_validate in lst_texts:
                        for validate in lst_validate:
                            for item in lst_items:
                                if validate.upper() in item.upper():
                                    ids = cnt
                                    if ids in dct_hits:
                                        data = dct_hits[ids]
                                        found = False
                                        for l in data:
                                            if l[0] == item and l[1] == validate:
                                                found = True
                                        if found == False:
                                            data.append([item, validate])
                                            dct_hits[ids] = data
                                        dct_hits[ids] = [[item, validate]]

                # write output line
                if cnt > 1:
                    line_out = line
                    line_out += ';'
                    if cnt in dct_hits:
                        data = dct_hits[cnt]
                        result = ''
                        for data_item in data:
                            if result == '':
                                result = data_item[1]
                                result += ", " + data_item[1]
                        line_out += result
                    line_out += '\n'

##    for ids, data in dct_hits.items():
##        # pass
##        print ids, "\t", data

def stripText2list(text):
    text_ori = text
    s = text.find('(')
    if s != -1:
        e = text.find(')')
        if e == -1:
            e = len(text)-1
        text = text[0:s] + text[e:len(text)-1]
    text = text.replace('"','')
    text = text.replace(';','')
    text = text.replace('-','')
    text = text.replace(',',' ')
    text = text.replace('  ','')
    lst = text.split(' ')

    lst_ok = []
    for a in lst:
        a = a.strip()
        if a != '':
            if a[0] != '(':
                if a[-1:] != ')':
    return lst_ok

if __name__ == '__main__':

The last field "result" contains the search text that resulted in a hit

New Contributor II

From what I can see from the result file, it looks really good. The matches are what i wanted, and takes all text that matches from "field" against "SNAVN". Can I replace the CSV files in the code, to compare 2 different file types? Since "Navn" is a Feature Class with annotations, and "Ordbok" is a Standalone Table. If so I can try and test the code towards more rows from "Navn" to see if the results are the same. But this is really good results, thank you very much. 

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Esri Esteemed Contributor

Current code is not using any ArcGIS (arcpy) parts. To point to annotation and a table, you will have to change parts of the code and implement SearchCursors to obtain the data and an UpdateCursor to update the data. I would have been better to attach the data in the format it is in.

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Esri Esteemed Contributor

If possible, please attach the data in a zipped FGDB to this thread to make adjustments to the code.

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New Contributor II

That's what i though, since I didn't see any arcpy import. I'll upload the FGDB  in zip tomorrow, I've taken the liberty to remove a good amount of the fields in "Navn" to make it easier to read. 

New Contributor II

I'm uploading the FGDB here, I had to first compress it in ArcMap, and then ZIP it to make it smaller than 50 MB.

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Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Per Olav Kaasa ,

You can try the code below. It will take some time to run. Be sure to run this on the uncompressed version of the data (it will not be able to run on compressed data).Change the following:

  • lines 7 to 11, names and paths to the data to be used (line 9 contains the output field for the results which will be added to the annotation in case it does not exist). Don't have the annotation open with Desktop, since this will create a lock on the data and the process may fail.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

def main():
    import arcpy

    # settings (first uncompress geodatabase data!)
    fc_anno = r'C:\GeoNet\SearchWildcard\gdb\TestBase.gdb\Navn_org'
    fld_anno = 'SNAVN'  # field to match with dictionary
    fld_out = 'OrdbokMatch'  # output field name
    tbl = r'C:\GeoNet\SearchWildcard\gdb\TestBase.gdb\Ordbok'
    fld_tbl = 'field'  # dictionary data

    # create dictionary list
    lst_dct = [stripText2list(r[0]) for r in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(tbl, (fld_tbl))]

    # Add output field to annotation
    AddField(fc_anno, fld_out, "TEXT", 100)

    # loop through annotation and update output field
    cnt = 0
    # dct_hits = {}
    with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(fc_anno, (fld_anno, fld_out)) as curs:
        for row in curs:
            cnt += 1
            if cnt % 5000 == 0:
                print "Processing row:", cnt
            snavn = row[0]
            lst_items = stripText2list(snavn)
            result = FindMatches(lst_items, lst_dct)
            row[1] = result

def FindMatches(lst_items, lst_dct):
    result = None
    data = []
    for lst_validate in lst_dct:
        for validate in lst_validate:
            for item in lst_items:
                if validate.upper() in item.upper():
    if len(data) > 0:
        data = list(set(data))
        result = data[0]
        for data_item in data[1:]:
            result += ", " + data_item
    return result

def AddField(fc, fld_name, fld_type, fld_length=None):
    if len(arcpy.ListFields(fc, fld_name)) == 0:
        arcpy.AddField_management(fc, fld_name, fld_type, None, None, fld_length)

def stripText2list(text):
    text_ori = text
    lst_ok = []
    if text is None:
        return lst_ok
        s = text.find('(')
        if s != -1:
            e = text.find(')')
            if e == -1:
                e = len(text)-1
            text = text[0:s] + text[e:len(text)-1]
        text = text.replace('"','')
        text = text.replace(';','')
        text = text.replace('-','')
        text = text.replace(',',' ')
        text = text.replace('  ','')
        lst = text.split(' ')

        for a in lst:
            a = a.strip()
            if a != '':
                if a[0] != '(':
                    if a[-1:] != ')':
        return lst_ok

if __name__ == '__main__':