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Command work in Python Window but not in Python Toolbox

12-12-2022 07:53 PM
New Contributor

Just a simple command:

arcpy.analysis.Buffer('Target_Layer', 'C:/Buffer/Buffer.gdb/buffer', '100 Feet', 'FULL', 'ROUND', 'NONE')

It works in the Python Window, created a new layer in the gdb file.  However, when I change this to Python Tools:

def execute(self, params, messages):
arcpy.analysis.Buffer('Target_Layer', 'C:/Buffer/Buffer.gdb/buffer', '100 Feet', 'FULL', 'ROUND', 'NONE')

It shows 'Tool completed', but nothing happen.  However, when I change the output to 'C:/Buffer/buffer' only, it can create a .shp file named 'buffer'.  What is the different between the script in Python Window and Python Toolbox.

Also, when I want to add the output layer in the gdb file to Contents, I type in the Python Window:'buffer', 'buffer_lyr')

It works.  However, when I put it into Python Toolbox:

def execute(self, params, messages):'buffer', 'buffer_lyr')

It shows:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 80, in execute

I found some solution said that the layer in gdb need to change to .lyr file and then use the .addLayer() function.  Can I have a way need not to create a .lyr file just like I did in the Python Window.



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MVP Esteemed Contributor


will assume you want to create the output in a folder since the workspace isn't a geodatabase like


... sort of retired...
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New Contributor

I find the solution:

The new feature class is created and saved to the gdb file, but it is hidden in catalog and a refresh is needed to show it.

I can directly add the feature class to map, even it is hidden in the catalog.:

Buffer_lyr = 'C:/Buffer/Buffer.gdb/buffer"'
aprx ='CURRENT')
aprxMap = aprx.listMaps()[0] 


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