Hey All,
I'm attempting to query a feature layer using the ArcGIS API for Python, and when using the where clause for a timestamp, I'm getting met with errors, even though it's validating within Select By Attributes in Pro.
where = 'EditDate < timestamp \'2024-06-28 00:00:00.000\''
I have attempted everything in this link, but none have worked, very confused on where I am going wrong here: https://community.esri.com/t5/arcgis-api-for-python-questions/querying-a-date-field-on-a-feature-lay...
Thanks in advance!
Try putting the whole thing in double quotes?
"EditDate < timestamp '2024-06-28 00:00:00'"
The SQL expression might be valid, but timestamp formatting will depend on the underlying database. Where is the data coming from? Postgres? MSSQL? A file?
Hey @jcarlson
I just attempted that with no success unfortunately, this is coming from AGOL through their Hosted Feature Layers, I'm not entirely confident in the DB behind it unfortunately.
Any chance the service is public? I would be curious to attempt a query.
According to the REST API docs, you're formatting it fine…
Hey @jcarlson
This service currently isn't public unfortunately, it has proprietary information and could not be shared that way, but if there is a public service you are aware of, I can definitely retry the query, or create my own that is blank that I could test with or send over to test with!
Here's a living atlas layer:
Is it as simple as putting TIMESTAMP in all caps? I haven't known it to be case-sensitive in the past, but if yours isn't working, I'm at a loss. It's a DateTime field, not a Date Only?
Hey @jcarlson
That worked perfectly fine in a GET request using the API, but unfortunately it did not work at all when I used it with the query(where={where clause}) function, I'm assuming it's not converting into URLEncoded parameters, what I may do is just use a URLEncoder to attempt and just build the GET request over the URL. I reformatted my original request in that format you have in the URL, and it seems to have worked, but this will require a ton of rewrite for what information it's looking for. Very odd that it doesn't work on the query function!
I hate to say this, but… it works fine over here.
Hey @jcarlson
I've figured it out, your example worked just fine with mine, as soon as I took out the out_fields. There was an invalid field within the query, specifically SHAPE was represented as SHAPE@ and I just assumed it was right. I went through and found it and once fixed, everything started going well. I'll put in an idea to possibly add a notice for when the fields are invalid rather than having a very lacking error message!
Thank you for your help!