These are my original inputs:
outline = r"K:\GradWork\GIS\CollegePark\CP_outline.shp"
DA = r"K:\GradWork\GIS\CollegePark\CPDrainage.shp"
DAID = "Id" # field in DA shapefile where unique DA values exist
soil = r"C:\Users\Rachael Johnson\Documents\GradWork\Project Files\BMPGIS\soils\VB_Soils.shp"
WTin = r"K:\GradWork\GIS\CollegePark\CPGW_adj1"
DEMin = r"K:\GradWork\GIS\CollegePark\cpelev"
MapLoc = r"K:\GradWork\GIS\CollegePark\CP.mxd"
WT = arcpy.Raster(WTin)
DEM = arcpy.Raster(DEMin)
My code uses these inputs in the context of other arcpy functions to create new variables or set environments. The outline variable, for example, is used here and then isn't used again:
### _____________SET PROCESSING EXTENTS____________ ###
# Set cell size
description = arcpy.Describe(DEM)
cellsize = description.children[0].meanCellHeight
print("Setting cell size to DEM cell size: " + str(cellsize) + " ft...")
arcpy.env.cellSize = cellsize
# Create buffer around outline to use as mask
# Buffer distance is in feet
print("Creating an environment mask from the site outline shapefile...")
maskshp = arcpy.Buffer_analysis(outline, ScratchPath + r"\outline_buff", "50 Feet", "", "", "ALL",)
# Convert buffer to raster
mask = arcpy.Raster(arcpy.PolygonToRaster_conversion(maskshp, "Id", ScratchPath + r"\rastermask")) + r"\rastermask")
# Set raster mask and snap raster
print("Setting raster mask and snap raster for project...")
arcpy.env.mask = mask
arcpy.env.snapRaster = mask
arcpy.env.extent = mask.extent
Here's an example of using one of the inputs to create a new variable and how that new variable is later transformed.
# Convert soils shapefile to raster and assign integer values to HSG.
# A=1, B=2, C=3, 4=D and dual groups A/D=14, B/D=24, C/D=34
# "---" is treated as a D soil
print("Converting dual group soils to single groups...")
SoilUnclass = arcpy.PolygonToRaster_conversion(soil, "HSG", ScratchPath + r"\SoilUnclass",
SoilClass =, "HSG",[["A", 1],
["B", 2],
["C", 3],
["D", 4],
["A/D", 14],
["B/D", 24],
["C/D", 34],
["---", 4]]), "NODATA") + r"\HSGraster")
Project_management does return a variable that I can use in that way; with most of these arcpy functions, setting a variable to them and then calling the variable prints the file path of the resulting shapefile or grid. So, in the context of the above code, "print SoilClass" returns the path "K:\GradWork\GIS\CollegePark\CP\scratch\HSGraster".