The default value of arcpy.env.workspace is different, are there other differences?
The reason to ask is that I have code to geocode several files using a loop to call the function arcpy.GeocodeAddresses_geocoding. The loop works fine when I execute the script inside the Python window in ArcMap, but when I run the script in IDLE it ends in error 999998 when it starts the second iteration.
I hope that understanding the differences between these two ways of executing the script will help me find a way to make it work in IDLE.
I believe one is that Arcmap python window is 32 bit and you could run IDLE in 64 bit.
You might want to post your code so we can see what your attempting to do.
I run larger scripts in the command line, they work faster and I believe Tony is correct
The other, more obvious difference, is that you have to hardcode your paths, files, and mxds.
Seph...that isn't correct ... you can use sys.argv to access your script arguments in both PythonWin and PyScripter and I am sure in any other that way you don't have to hardcode them
Oh really? So how do you enter the arguments in that case?
ahhhh Just a pythonwin example every IDE is slightly different
Oh neat! Thanks for the info. So, for more than one argument, would you just put a list with commas between?
details with your IDE space delimited for PythonWin
Here is PyScripter example