I have a Geodatabase-file "mygdb.gdb" with a Feature Dataset therein, "mygdb.gdb\fds". How can I move files into that Feature Dataset with ArcPy? Please see picture: I want to move the shapefile "myshp.shp" and the raster "myraster" into that Feature Dataset with ArcPy.
The requirements and data types are listed in the help
Feature datasets in ArcGIS Pro—ArcGIS Help | Documentation
On that page, I can't find any information about how to handle Feature Datasets with ArcPy. Where is a description how to move an external shapefile or raster into the Feature Dataset with an ArcPy-command?
Check this out: https://community.esri.com/thread/209420-arcpy-move-feature-class-into-feature-dataset
This explains how to move shapefiles into a geodatabase (in my example: mygdb.gdb). However, I don't understand how to move shapefiles into a Feature Dataset within a geodatabse (in my example: mygdb.gdb\fds).
import arcpy
#path to input shapefile to be transferred to fgdb feature dataset
in_shp = r'C:\myshapefile.shp'
#path to output fc within feature dataset
#will likely error if .shp and feature dataset have different projections
out_fc = r'C:\mygdb.gdb\myfeaturedataset\myfeatureclass'
#run copy features tool
arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(in_shp, out_fc)
Thank you David Pike. I understand from your answer that the Feature Dataset within a Geodatabase is for Feature Files of same projection only. It is neither for Feature Files with another projection nor for Raster Files. My problem was, that I was trying to import a Raster File which is not allowed.
That information was on the link I sent