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ArcGIS 10.2 & py2exe - Missing dll?

04-28-2015 04:30 AM
Occasional Contributor


I'm trying to run a .exe created with py2exe for extracting attachments from a downloaded 10.2 geodatabase.  The script works fine when I run it from the python interpreter, but when I try to run the packaged exe, I'm getting the error message shown in the attached screenshot.  I checked in the zipped library folder in the dist folder created with py2exe, and arcpy is in there, so I don't think that's the issue.  My guess is that I'm missing a dll that I need, based on the last line of the output -- can anyone a) confirm this, and b) point me to the dll that I need to copy into the dist folder?  Any feedback is greatly appreciated!

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1 Reply
MVP Emeritus

It wouldn't be an Esri dll that is needed would it?  If so, I suspect that it is wrapped up to prevent this from happening

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