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Symbology differences between .mxd and published feature layer

06-08-2023 03:00 AM
Emerging Contributor

Hello friends,

New day, new problems!!! 😊

I need to fix our sewer infrastructure service. The problem is about the symbology settings. A few day ago, I did some changes with the web image layer's symbology and save the layer in map viewer by mistake. We use more complex settings thanks to arcmap desktop app and I couldn't turn the settings back. Then, I decided to overwrite the service and map image layer turned to normal settings but the feature layer has still the same settings. I tried some solutions but they didn't work. An hour ago, I deleted the service completely, restart the server and enterprise servers and published it again. It didn't work either. Map image layer is same with .mxd's symbology settings but feature layer still has different symbology.

Can you please guide me to reset the feature layers symbology to factory settings?

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