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What's the next public transit tool you want to see in ArcGIS?

08-27-2019 08:08 AM
Esri Regular Contributor
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What's the next public transit tool you want to see in ArcGIS?  What does it do?  What problem does it solve?

New Contributor

Hi Melinda

I think its great that ESRI develops these tools. Its definitely relevant for us working in the PTAs. Would be great to see the count trips at stops giving us statistics of what routes serves each stop and how many trips each route has. Say for instance you have 20 trips at one particular stop, but its only one route that gives you an oppurtunity to reach a certain destination. This route may only have 3 trips within the selected time window. That may give the population in this area a poor access to that destination even though they have a lot trips nearby. 

Another thing that would be neat is to be able to pick the routes you want for the count trips on route-tool. It might be that you only want to do this operation for an area, not counting all trips or do one route at a time and then adding them together afterwords. 



Esri Regular Contributor

Thanks for your ideas, Martin.  For the first one, I have added it as a to-do item in my GitHub repo here: Make Count Trips at Stops indicate the routes the trips are associated with · Issue #145 · Esri/publ... 

For the second one, I don't quite understand what you're asking for.  The existing Count Trips for Individual Route tool allows you to select a specific route.  Could you explain further what you're looking for?

New Contributor

As far as I know the only way to run the "count trips on route"-tool is by analysing one route at a time, hence the name individual route. Its not possible to do run the tool with multiple input routes. So having the option to do a multiple route-analysis would be ideal. 

Esri Regular Contributor

Oh, I see.  So you want a tool that can count trips on some subset of routes.  Would you want a) the trip counts combined, or b) all separated per route (the equivalent of running Count Trips on Individual Route several times in a row)?

New Contributor

Since im working at a detailed level here the preferred option would be all separated per route, although sometimes the combined result is what were after, but I guess I can summarize the outputs afterwords if that is part of the same feature class? This goes back to the idea of analysing routes that have a specific market or destination. If the output somehow encompass the complexity of direction (e.g. 1 or 0 same as for the individual route tool) that would make for a good analysis of public transport access to or from work during rush hour.

Frequent Contributor

Melinda Morang‌, this was the tool I offered to contribute effectively way back when. Fehr & Peers developed this for a transit agency in 2017. I think we talked about integrating it in 2018 or 2019, but you were doing the full transition to python toolboxes/arcgis pro integration so it took a back seat. 

Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Martin.  Sorry it took a while, but we have added a new tool to the BetterBusBuffers toolbox, Count Trips at Stops by Route and Direction.  It counts the number of transit trips that visit the stops in your transit system during a time window. In contrast to Count Trips at Stops, this tool does not combine trips from different routes or directions of travel. Instead, if a stop is used by multiple routes and/or directions, the stop will be duplicated in the output.   Download the newest version of the toolbox here:

Does this serve your needs?

Frequent Contributor

It basically matches the screenshot I provided a while ago (above), but frankly is way more flexible as are result of Melinda's work. 

About the Author
Melinda is a product engineer on Esri's Network Analyst development team working primarily on ArcGIS Pro. She specializes in geoprocessing and python workflows and has a special interest in public transit.