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Learn ArcGIS Analysis Workflows for Public Safety

10-12-2022 01:50 PM
Esri Regular Contributor
0 0 1,240

public-safety-facebook-cover-image-820-360.pngTurn your data into actionable insight.

If you're a crime analyst or public safety professional in law enforcement, homeland security, or emergency management, Esri's two-day course, ArcGIS Analysis Workflows for Public Safety, may be just right for you.


In the course, you will:

  • Discover how location impacts public safety trends, incidents, and operations.
  • Explore tools and techniques to visualize and quantify your public safety data to identify patterns, hot spots, and clusters.
  • Learn how to apply analysis techniques and workflows to predict behavior and impact.
  • Connect live with an expert Esri instructor so you can ask questions and get feedback right away. 


Want to learn more? View course details and upcoming class dates.

About the Author
Katie Smith was born in the beautiful state of Minnesota and now resides in sunny Southern California. She is on the Esri Training Team and desires to help people learn about the fascinating world of GIS.