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CamOri in a frame table

07-24-2023 12:59 PM
Labels (2)
New Contributor II

We have created a frame table, in geographic the coordinate system, and everything works fine. Coverage looks great! From a 3D measurement perspective this likely needs to be extended to a CamOri string where the focal length and the pixel size is exposed. Irrespective of what coordinate system I use in the string definition I get "Error in adding images from frame table. SpatialReference: Spatial reference string is invalid.". I have tried both geographic  and UTM.

Can someone point me to a working frame table with a CamOri embedded in it? 

2 Replies
Occasional Contributor II


When exactly are you getting this error? Can you share the OIC exposure points  table or the input table with me ? 

The CamOri string is per row in the table and is defined using a specific syntax. 

You can find details for it here. Look on page 17.


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New Contributor II

Hey Randall,

  Sorry for the delay in replying. Summer vacation! The issue that I was having is that the documentation said that comma delimited was OK, but I subsequently learned that it had to be piped. My struggle now is, I believe to be the accuracy parameters, which seems to be comma delimited.

  To answer your question I am looking in the log folder under OrientatedImagery. In the XML files you can see what goes wrong. However, the answers are a little terse and it takes a while to iterate to a solution!

  I think I would be a lot further if the tool had examples of each image import type. In my case I went for a Frame Table and in the ESRI documentation there are two table definitions! Trying the first one did not work at all.



p.s. We have defined the X, Y, Z and SRS and the CamOri to stop the code from complaining.

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