Hi guys,
Pretext: Esri.ArcGISRuntime version is 200.2.0.
We're having an issue with Europe 2023.1 StreetMapPremium locator for Norway as it is only returning a single result through both LocatorTask.SuggestAsync() and LocatorTask.GeocodeAsync(). Parameter MaxResults is used and is always higher than 1.
The code flow is as follows:
- Search for suggestions based on input (SuggestResult[] = LocatorTask.SuggestAsync()).
- This only gives a single result.
- Use suggestions to fetch populated address GeocodeResults (LocatorTask.GeocodeAsync(SuggestResult)).
The locator seemingly works fine via ArcGIS Pro, giving multiple suggestions based on input text. The .loc-file has the following properties:
LocFileUseUTF8 = True
Category = Address
Description = NOR Locator
CLSID = {26AC4C70-EA6E-4125-86F9-5ED7970D15F7}
UICLSID = {AE5A3A0E-F756-11D2-9F4F-00C04F8ED1C4}
WarmUp = False
MinimumCandidateScore = 70
MinimumMatchScore = 75
NumThreads = 4
MaxCandidates = 50
MaxSuggestCandidates = 15
DefaultSuggestCandidates = 5
; BatchOutputFields =
; CandidateOutputFields =
; CountriesFilter =
; CategoriesFilter =
; ReverseFeatureTypesFilter =
DefaultLocationType = street
MatchOutOfRange = true
SuggestPartialSubaddresses = TRUE
SuggestPartialAddresses = TRUE
EnableXYProviders = TRUE
PrecisionType = GLOBAL_HIGH
Any clue as to why the locator limits the suggestion result to 1 item?