I've created GeoTiff images from the NASA Blue marble images. The 8 image tiles covering the world have been Georeferenced using the center of the cells along the edges, so the left, right, top, and bottom of the images match.
Unfortunately, when creating RasterLayers with Runtime SDK 100.4 the raster layers are rendered with undesirable seams in between them:
Here is the same data rendered in ArcMap 10.5
Any suggestions?
Have tried the mobile mosaic dataset? Add raster data—ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET | ArcGIS for Developers
Thanks Mike,
I have already created a .tpk of these rasters and it works really, really well, but I am trying to mitigate the need for my customer to pre-process raster products. The 100.X .Net SDK seems to support stand alone raster products quite well, and I am pleased with that. I was just wondering if this is a known issue with multiple edge-to-edge rasters.
I got the MosaicDatasetRaster working. It looks much better.