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Sample for Branch Versioning

10-01-2019 09:36 AM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Hi -

Is there a sample somewhere that shows how to deal with Branch Versioning with the .NET Runtime SDK?



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2 Replies
by Anonymous User
Not applicable

OK, I'll take the lack of response to mean branch version edit workflows are not supported by the SDKs.

Any idea when/if branch version edit workflows will be supported?

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Esri Regular Contributor


We do have plans to support branch versioning in Runtime. Unfortunately, we are still in the very initial stages of scoping this work out, so I can't share anything concrete with you. But I'd be interested to know how you plan to use it in your app so that we can prioritize the most important pieces. Some questions I have -

1) Do you expect users to pick an appropriate version from a list of existing versions, or do you intend the app to pick or create a new version for them automatically?

2) Will you need to change versions on the fly while viewing data from a pre-selected version?

3) Do you expect to work with more than a single version simultaneously in the app, for eg, a subset of data from version A and the rest from version B? or is it enough if all data coming from a single feature service belongs to the same version?

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