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I installed the ArcGIS .Net Toolkit but i cant see the controls, for example MapView, in the Toolbox ?

05-08-2016 06:18 AM
Deactivated User

I installed the ArcGIS .Net Toolkit but i cant see the controls, for example MapView, in the Toolbox ?

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3 Replies
MVP Honored Contributor

Hi Shiomo,

What version of the .NET Toolkit did you install and what version of ArcGIS do you have?

0 Kudos
Deactivated User


actualy i am working with VS 2015 Express .Net 4.6 and ArcGIS Runtime for

Desktop Ver 10.2.7 on Win 10.

I noticed that the MapView control is shown in the Toolbox only in WPF

projects and not in WinForms projects.

I need to create a WinForm project. in that case, how can i use the MapView

control or other way to display a map on the form.

Thanks Ahead


2016-05-09 3:28 GMT+03:00 Adrian Welsh <>:

GeoNet <>

I installed the ArcGIS .Net Toolkit but i cant see the controls, for

example MapView, in the Toolbox ?

reply from Adrian Welsh


in ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET - View the full discussion


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Esri Frequent Contributor


For MapView, SceneView, etc you need the main API package: NuGet Gallery | ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET The toolkit contains additional controls which we open source for you to tailor to your needs (attribution, legend, scaleline, etc) - for more info see: GitHub - Esri/arcgis-toolkit-dotnet: Toolkit for the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET

The MapView is a WPF control therefore to use in WinForms you will need to use the ElementHost control which hosts WPF inside WinForms. It's not a scenario we officially test or certify but others have had success using this approach.

