I created a tool based on python script and pack it into gpk.
When I try to run it from RT SDK for .net as local service it does not work.
After the line "p = row[0]" I get the error that p is not defined.
I am trying to read the coordinate of a layer that was created in the tool.
I tried both "old" cursors and the da cursor.
Is this a known limitation? How can I get the value of some records in the results (I would like to return it as a string).
Please can you share your Python script?
Hi Mike
Thanks for the response; I was hoping to get your attention
My code do basic Viewshed operation but later on I will add more functionality to intersect with some polyline/polygon and determine the overlap area.
In my code I need to get the point coordinate to set the extent (works much quicker).
You can see the code that does not work in comment and the work around I found.
Even with this workaround it still does not work. It gives me error message about Desktop 10.2 that was installed once on my machine but now I have 10.3.1
I wonder if the cursor should work.
import arcpy obs = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) rad = arcpy.GetParameter(1) # constants arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True dtm = r"C:\demos\RtGp\dem_itm.tif" # temporary names outRaster = arcpy.env.scratchFolder + r"\visRas.tif" outVector = r"in_memory\visVec" # set extent of operation #with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(obs, "SHAPE@XY") as cursor: # for row in cursor: # p = row[0] desc = arcpy.Describe(obs) arcpy.env.extent = "%s %s %s %s" % (desc.extent.XMin - rad,desc.extent.YMin - rad,desc.extent.XMin + rad,desc.extent.YMin + rad) #arcpy.env.extent = "%s %s %s %s" % (p[0] - rad,p[1] - rad,p[0] + rad,p[1] + rad) # prepare observer arcpy.AddField_management(obs,"OFFSETA","LONG") arcpy.AddField_management(obs,"RADIUS2","LONG") arcpy.CalculateField_management(obs,"OFFSETA",7, "PYTHON_9.3") arcpy.CalculateField_management(obs,"RADIUS2",3000 , "PYTHON_9.3") # start process - visibility arcpy.Viewshed_3d(dtm,obs,outRaster)
Solved it
The python script did not get the input point for the observer so the layer was empty and the cursor retun nothing but did not fail.
When I translate everything to web mercator it all works.
I think you should write a paper about using local projection, this is needed in many local application that does not use AGOL.