How to crate holes on Surface to make underground scene model visible?
Even in underground mode(NavigationConstraint.None), and Surface.Opacity set to 0, the undergound mode can not be visible either.
Hi @LittleRookie Thank you for reaching out to us. To understand the exact nature of the problem you're having, is it possible to share a code snippet with us? From the way you've described for your problem, what you're trying to do should have worked.
Also, what kind of data are you using? And are you using a webscene/a local dataset?
The scene layer (.slpk file) contains subgrade mode which partially below the surface.
I want to ceate holes on the surface to make the subgrade mode visible when viewing from above.
Or how to partially make the surface transparent?
You can change the opacity of the basesurface to make the surface transparent. That way you can see the subsurface part from above. See the following help document as a reference: https://developers.arcgis.com/net/api-reference/api/netfx/Esri.ArcGISRuntime/Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Mapp....
Please reach out if that does not help.
I have tried this way but it didn't solve my problem. I want to make the surface partially transparent ( e.g. by given a polygon) , so the model which partially under the surface (as shown in Figure 2) can be visible totally when viewing from above.
Is there a way to cut a hole in the terrain surface or make the terrain surface in the specified region transparent?
@LittleRookie There isn't a way to cut a hole in the surface. I am not sure why that wouldn't work. It's hard to tell the reason why it's not working without taking a look at some code and data. Is it possible to share anything?
Also, have you tried it in ArcGIS Pro/Online scene viewer to see what happens? Does it work in those environments?
Did you see the underground sample? https://github.com/Esri/arcgis-runtime-samples-dotnet/tree/main/src/WPF/ArcGISRuntime.WPF.Viewer/Sam...
I have seen this sample, but can't meet my needs.
As shown in Figure 3, the subgrade mode can not be visible when camera stay above the surface
Hi @LittleRookie, I saw your question and I have the same problem. Have you figured out any solution for this ?