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Handling TextSymbols in GeometryEditot

11-14-2023 03:11 PM
Labels (2)
New Contributor


I am trying to use GeometryEditor to update/add/delete Airport gates.

Gates could be represented either as Points or more likely as Multipoints as we would like to allow users to add more than one gate before saving. All gates use the same designated image symbol. However, each gate has a unique label. For example, G-1, G-2 etc. I can add an existing gate using its Geometry and the associated PictureMarkerSymbol which contains the image to the GraphicsOverlay. I can then move/delete this Gate in the GeometryEditor, no problem.

Labels for our gates are stored as TextSymbols in the UniqueValue's of the respective Renderer. The TextSymbol contains the label text itself, font, offsets and dimensions. I can retrieve and add the respective TextSymbol to the GraphicsOverlay using the same Geometry as the respective Gate. In other words, when I start the GeometryEditor, both the Gate and the label's Text Symbol will be in the same location. 

Is it possible to move the TextSymbol when I move the Gate itself so they both end up in the same new location?



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1 Reply
Esri Notable Contributor

Is there a reason you're not using labeling to put the text on the gate? That way there's only one thing to move.

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