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Webinar | Automated Workflows and Machine Learning Techniques for Coastline Extraction

05-05-2021 11:23 AM
Esri Alum


Automated Workflows and Machine Learning Techniques for Coastline Extraction



Learn how to use ArcGIS automated workflows and machine learning techniques for coastline extraction.

Due to anthropogenic activities and natural processes—for example, sea level changes, sedimentation, and wave energy—coastlines are changing worldwide. Traditionally, coastlines were manually digitized, which is a time and labor-intensive way. Remote sensing is an excellent alternative to extract coastlines, using satellite imagery. Satellite imagery of visible range can be used for interpretation and easily obtained. But the imageries covering infrared wavelength is best to extract the boundary between land and water. The band ratio technique is easy to calculate and gives highly accurate results in less processing time. The workflow can be applied to any area using multispectral imagery, Landsat 8 or Sentinel-2.


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Additional Resources:


Presentation Deck

Map scale and raster resolution 

Story map: Coastline extraction using Landsat-8 (Image Server) as source

Sample Notebook: Coastline extraction using Landsat-8 (Image Server) as source

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Join Esri in an AI Deep Learning Maritime seminar on Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning in ArcGIS. This webinar covers how to use and automate machine-based object detection using convolutional neural networks in ArcGIS to solve real-world problems. For more information, please visit: ...
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4 Replies
Regular Contributor

Hello. Thank you for providing detailed material.

I encountered an exception when I try to run code #19 in

Sample Notebook: Coastline extraction using Landsat-8 (Image Server) as source

b2_poly = convert_raster_to_feature(dra2, field='Value', output_type='Polygon', simplify=True, output_name=None, gis=gis2)

OutputCatalogPath failed. Error: <built-in method GetOutputCatalogPath of HostedGP object object at 0x0000000038F3BD08> returned NULL without setting an error
{"messageCode": "RA_120212", "message": "ConvertRasterToFeature failed. OutputCatalogPath failed. Error: <built-in method GetOutputCatalogPath of HostedGP object object at 0x0000000038F3BD08> returned NULL without setting an error."}
Failed to execute (ConvertRasterToFeature).

Is there any workaround?

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Esri Contributor

Hi Felix,

Are you using Python API playground portal as gis in the notebook? If this is the case, currently Python API Playground doesn't has configured RA server.

Regular Contributor

Hi Shivani, thank you for noticing the cause of the problem.

Emerging Contributor

Hello Kelley,

Thanks a lot for providing all the materials. I am working on a similar study for my graduate course project. I tried to run the code

selected = landsat.filter_by(where="(Category = 1) and (CloudCover<0.03)", time=[datetime(2016, 1, 1), datetime(2019, 12, 31)], geometry=arcgis.geometry.filters.intersects(aoi_geom))

from Sample Notebook: Coastline extraction using Landsat-8 (Image Server) as source


But I got a key error & an attribute error. I understand the error but need some assistance to resolve it as I am new to ArcGIS API for Python.



I would appreciate your help.




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