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Drag and drop tool from command search into ModelBuilder

01-20-2023 11:44 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Frequent Contributor II

Simple and as described in the title...allow tools to be dragged from command search results into a model. You can do this with the ArcToolbox/GP search, but with the introduction of command search I feel that more users are finding tools this way.

Tags (1)

Is there a reason you're going to Command Search rather than just typing on the model canvas? i.e. if looking for 'buffer' to add to your model, just type on the canvas:


Saves mouse travel up to Command Search. That said, if there is a reason that you're still using Command Search, let us know so we can understand what the direct method is lacking.



@KoryKramer  just habit. I didn't know about that click & type shortcut, thanks!


So is that easier than going to Command Search? i.e. now that you know how to directly add a tool from the canvas, do you feel this is a valid idea to keep open?



I find it easy enough to add from the canvas, yes. It would be better if that box went away after adding a tool, though, especially since 1) no extra keys/clicks are required to start searching again, and 2) the 'stale' search remains in the box, meaning that you'd have to backspace all that to start a new search anyway. So, I'm not exactly sure what purpose it serves by staying, but it does react to esc which is helpful.



Status changed to: Closed

OK, thanks. We'll close this request for drag/drop from command search into ModelBuilder.