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Multiple Page Example

10-29-2009 01:29 AM
Frequent Contributor

Further to my problems of getting the Data Driven Toolbar to show...
I cannot be sure I have actually made any pages so is there an example of a mxd that already has this setup amoungst the Tutorial data?

Thanks in advance,

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2 Replies
Legendary Contributor
Hi Adam,

There are no specific tutorial data for data driven pages.  The easiest way to get started with data driven pages is to:

1. Add a polygon data (ex: US states or world countries) to ArcMap
2. Open the Setup Data Driven Pages dialog (to open this simply click the last button on the right of the Layout toolbar) & click the left most button on the toolbar
3. In the setup dialog choose your polygon layer as the index layer and click OK.
4. You should now have data driven pages. You can use the buttons on the tool bar to go from page to page.

Hi tombole,

When ESRI is intending to develop some features similar to those existing in Maplogic?

how to print many maps with same layout but with different layers turned on/off (attached)?


Jamal Numan
Geomolg Geoportal for Spatial Information
Ramallah, West Bank, Palestine
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Esri Regular Contributor
Thematic map books can be created using the arcpy.mapping scripting framework.  Layers can be turned on or off with a single line of code in a script.

Please search on "arcpy.mapping" within help or within the Resource Center for great discussions and examples.

Here is a great place to start:

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