I'm new to ESRI plotting.
Is it possible to create D and E-size plots in arcgis web and runtime apps ?
The reason I'm asking is because the link below mentions A and B sizes only.
[ http://server.arcgis.com/en/server/latest/create-web-apps/windows/printing-in-web-applications.htm ]
If it's possible, would it come out clear ?
If not possible, can you create clear large-scale plots from arcmap ?
My reading is that it didn't say they were the only ones, but examples of the templates available. You could check to see what templates are available to you
Thanks , I found were you can create additional templates.
I can see why they default to just A and B. It says it can't filter out the invalid options. I guess it would be nice to not show D and E if the printer doesn't support it, but that's not a big deal. The users should know the paper sizes of their printer.