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Why is my selection covering my labels?

04-04-2016 01:34 PM
Emerging Contributor

I have a map that I send to customers and when I select the parcel(s) of interest the labels for water mains and sewer mains get covered by the selection.  How can I stop this behavior?


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6 Replies
MVP Honored Contributor

Hi Rob,

Can you specify more on what platform you are viewing this map (ArcGIS Online, Desktop, etc.)? And maybe post a screenshot as well?

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Emerging Contributor

Yes.  I am using ArcGIS Desktop 10.2.2.  The red boxes on the screen shot indicate the issue I am asking about.

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Honored Contributor

I think you can't avoid it if your selection symbology has a fill.  If it is just an outline, such as the default, you shouldn't see your labels blocked.  If you want to use a fill, you could make the selection, create a layer in your project from it, and then symbolize that selection layer however you wish.

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Emerging Contributor

Currently I am using an outline selection.  I think I have tried a "fill" in the past and experienced the same behavior.

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MVP Honored Contributor

Have you tried doing to same tasks in ArcGIS Pro? I wonder if the same behavior exists.

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Emerging Contributor

I currently do not have ArcGIS Pro installed.

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