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Contour Interval 40m for Topographic Map 100K

06-24-2021 11:41 PM
Occasional Contributor

Dear All,

I've found that most Topographic Map 100K, its contour interval is 40m. Does anyone know what are the reasons that specific interval is used ?

Thank you in advance !

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4 Replies
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Occasional Contributor

Sorry I have no idea what you mean, can you say again?

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MVP Alum

I am not a topography expert, but I believe one of the prime factors for deciding the contour interval is the scale of the map. A smaller scale map will have lower number of contours (to avoid cluttering), thus the contour interval will be higher between two contour lines. A larger scale map can have higher number of contour lines (also depends on the topography/relief of the terrain), thus the contour interval can be smaller between two lines.

e.g. I can see some topographical maps of Cambodia (Scale 1:50,000) where contour interval is 20 meters.

*The organization (usually the National Mapping Agency) that prepares the topographical maps, decides what is the best suited contour interval for a map at a particular scale.

Think Location
Occasional Contributor

Thank you so much

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