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Sharing a Survey123 form in LocalMaps

04-02-2023 07:39 PM
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New Contributor II

Hiya, I am trying to share a Survey123 form (created in the Survey123 site connected to our Enterprise portal) so it shows up as an item in our LocalMaps gallery, however if I share the form item itself to the LocalMaps group, when I click on it in the LocalMaps gallery it does not open the form in the browser, it downloads a zip file instead. 


To get around this, I added a Web App item to the portal with the URL to the web form instead, and shared that to the LocalMaps group. But when I try to open it from LocalMaps gallery, it opens a perpetually refreshing tab and will not load the form. Sometimes after refreshing the gallery it will open normally. If I open it from the portal however, there is no issue and the form will load normally.

Anybody encountered this before and have any suggestions?

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