Hi, I'm trying to toggle between a Scene and Map using compose. I want to display the same Geodatabase feature table on the Scene or Map (2d) when displayed. However on creating the feature layer I receive the Object already owned exception and I can't seem to free the table from the existing layers.
private suspend fun loadMobileScenePackage(tables: List<GeodatabaseFeatureTable>) {
// Load the Mil Symbols TODO: move to track manager
val dictionarySymbolStyle = DictionarySymbolStyle.createFromFile(styleFile)
// Load the symbols
dictionarySymbolStyle.load().onFailure { error ->
Log.e("Mapping", error.cause.toString() + ": " + styleFile)
mobileScenePackage.load().onSuccess {
// update the mutable state holder with the first scene from the MobileScenePackage
val scene = mobileScenePackage.scenes.first()
// Setup the scene with the renderer and geodb features
tables.forEach { ft ->
ft.load().onFailure { error ->
Log.e("SVC", error.cause.toString())
val featureLayer = FeatureLayer.createWithFeatureTable(ft)
featureLayer.load().onFailure { error ->
Log.e("SVC", error.cause.toString())
_firstScene.update { scene }
}.onFailure { error ->
fun createSceneViewInstance(lifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner, sceneViewModel: SceneViewModel = hiltViewModel()): SceneView {
val sceneView = SceneView(LocalContext.current)
DisposableEffect(lifecycleOwner) {
onDispose {
return sceneView
If you have already instantiated a FeatureLayer with a feature table, that feature table cannot be used by another instance of Feature layer, that's when you will receive Object Already Owned exception. You can always create a new instance.
Thanks is there a correct method to destroy the feature layer or remove it from a Scene?
You can remove the featurelayer from the operational layers list of the geomodel (i.e map or scene) to be able to use the same instance of feature layer
Actually, the same issue with the Basemap -> one have to re-create Basemap from scratch or call Basemap.clone(). We need a better mechanism to release basemap from MapView