Raster smoothing from Image Analysis in arcpy

08-13-2017 03:31 PM
New Contributor III


I would like to apply a smoothing function on multiple rasters using arcpy. How can I achieve that? The function is shown below:

smoothing image analysis window

I suspect it should be in the "Add Function" menu and then I could export it, but I couldn't really find anything related.

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4 Replies
MVP Emeritus

There are convolution filters available in the spatial analyst  ....filters....

but I think you are referring to these .... convolution function filters 5x5 smoothing

MVP Emeritus

I moved the post to Imagery and Remote Sensing since GeoNet Help is about getting help on how to use GeoNet...   The GeoNet community structure document may help to filter your questions

Occasional Contributor III


(if I am not wrong), there is no direct way to apply a (single stand-alone) raster function by arcpy - and thats what the convolution filters are. But this doesnt mean there is no way to do it. What you will have to do is "wrap" this raster function into a function template file (see here how to generically create one or here on how to export them) and then use the gp-tool "Edit Raster Function" to apply the function to a raster.

If you want to maintain this outside an mxd/layer you better put your rasters into mosaic dataset(s). There you can apply function chains on a single raster basis, by default for all or provide many different ones (Raster Function Templates) for the user to choose from.

New Contributor III

Thank you Dan and Günter. Although I was looking for the smoothing function from Image Analysis, it was faster to implement the Filter tool with low pass filtering and the result was similar, so that was sufficient for me.

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