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Wrong minimum bounding circle in UTM

12-05-2012 12:35 AM
Deactivated User
I have found Minimum bounding circles for some polygon features.Most often I find that some features lying outside the resulting circle.
Is this a bug in ESRI ArcGIS?

I used an alternative method of finding bounding circle...Find the envelope>Get the centroid>Get the farthest vertex from centroid and  use  ICircularArc interface to draw circle.This seems to provide correct result.

Any suggestions?
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3 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor
Hi Durga,

What version of ArcGIS Desktop are you running (including service packs)?  Do you have a sample dataset you could upload that exhibits this behavior?
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Deactivated User
I am using 9.3.1. Attaching the shape files that I used in UTM projection

1)Points.shp---My features of interest
2)BoundingBox.shp----Envelope for above points
3)BoundingBox_Centroid.shp---Centroiod of this envelope
4)BoundingBox_Centroid_Generat.dbf---Near table created by Proximity Analysis tool
5)BoundingCircle.shp---Buffer created using largest distance(3582.146565 meters in this case)

FID 1275 is the farthest vertex in Points.shp from centroid ..this seems to lie oust side the BoundingCircle

I noticed an interesting thing...I have used 'Smooth' tool from Advanced Editing feature,with a threshold of 0.09(which is the measured deviation from circle boundary to the outlier point).This is resulting in a circle that passes through the outlier point just as I need.
Unfortunately,this is true only during editing session.The changes get lost when I save the changes brought in by 'smooth' .
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