What is the workflow for using Non-registered oracle tables in modelbuilder or python?This used to work fine for me in 10.0 but not in 10.1arcpy.MakeTableView_management("Database Connections\\Forest.odc\\FOREST.V_BLOCKS", "FOREST_View", "BLOCK_ID = 'AA123'", "", "DIVISION DIVISION VISIBLE NONE;CUTB_SEQ_NBR CUTB_SEQ_NBR VISIBLE NONE;BLOCK_ID BLOCK_ID VISIBLE NONE;....")
arcpy.CopyRows_management("FOREST_View", "CUTB_TABLE", "")
I only expect 1 record, not all 50,000+ My understanding is that it has to do with the table not being registered, but there must be a way to work with non registered tables.Thanks,Frank