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warning, inconsistent extent!

12-01-2019 11:30 AM
New Contributor


I am working on an analysis (coursework) using population density and crop .asc data. With either crop or popd grid loaded, I draw a rectangle around the country I am working on and convert graphics to features. 

I need to clip both crop and popd grids.

Then I define their projections as WGS84. 

Reprojecting as raster to UTM 38S WGS84. 

My problem is: When I reproject, I get an error saying 'warning, inconsistent extent'

I have no idea how to proceed. 

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New Contributor

I clip using the raster tool. 

Am I understanding correctly, before I clip - I define projection the drawn rectangle polygon file as GSC WGS84. I clip the file using GSC WGS84 then re project to UTM ? 

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