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Splitting Lines usign Polygons

03-26-2014 08:09 AM
Emerging Contributor
Hi I think this is a relativly simple question.

ArcMap v9.2.

I have a lot of line data in a shape file that i need to split by a a number of polygons in another shape file. What is the best way to do this?

What I want to end up with is a list of lines in a shapefile that fall into each of the polygons.


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3 Replies
Emerging Contributor
Hi Sol,

This doesn't do what i require. Clip just trims the lines by the outermost extent of the polygon.

What I want to do is split the lines where the polygons cross the lines. Whats the right tool?


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MVP Regular Contributor
Use the Intersect Geoprocessing tool to achieve what you want.  It will discover the intersections between features from the inputs. This can be useful to discover polygon overlap and line intersections (as points or lines).
Emerging Contributor
I have tried intersect and it works on some of the lines but not all?!

there are still lines that cross polygons that havent been split - why woudl this be?
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