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Simulating RtClick>>Load>>Load Data... w/ query [Model Builder or Python]

07-23-2013 12:35 PM
Emerging Contributor
I have a large database that i would like to split up into smaller workable parts...

I have exported a schema only version of the database i am working on several times over...

I have then been using ArcCatalog to right click on a feature class and select Load>>Load data... then specifying "Load only the features that satisfy a query" to break up the database in different parts...

In one database i have several fature classes and one table that this needs to be done for and i have to do it hundreds of times to make the database more managable for our team depending on the project size...

What is the best way to automate this process with either model builder or a python script... ??


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1 Reply
Esri Regular Contributor
Try Iteration in ModelBuilder.


Another way to load data is using the Append geoprocessing tool. This is useful if loading data is going to be used as part of a batch process.

May be this helps.
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