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Simplify Line Tool missing Tolerance Option Box

11-21-2013 07:01 AM
New Contributor III

My ArcGIS 10.2 Simplify Line Toolbox has not been displaying the Simplification Tolerance box.  The tool will work with Python windows but the gui tool seems to be broken.

Do tools break?  How does this happen and can we fix them?


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18 Replies
New Contributor II
I'm in the same situation. All options and dropdowns in the Simplify Line tool are available except for the Tolerance input box. My co-worker and I are both using AG 10.2.1 but he has the input box.

The work-around E Foster described does work albeit cumbersome. Maybe it'll be fixed when the software patch comes out.
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Occasional Contributor
Same Problem here, my solution - using python window....
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MVP Frequent Contributor
On ArcGIS 10.2.1 on Windows 7 sp1, 64-bit.

Came across this when I was doing a little LiDAR work.  Scripting in the Python Window with arcpy.SimplifyBuilding_cartography and then arcpy.SimplifyPolygon_cartography with correct syntax. Tried to move over to running from Cartography ArcToolbox -> Generalization where Simplify Building was fine, but Cartography -> Generalization -> Simplify Polygon was dropping the Tolerance fields.  Then noted the same thing for Simplify Line.

Have a ticket open with Esri tech support, and have done the usual troubleshooting.

Windows registry settings for Internet Explorer\Zone\0 and Zone\1 have expected 0 values for the 1200 and 1400 keys (controlling ActiveX and scripting) computer (zone 0) and local intranet (zone 1).

IE11 on Windows 7 sp1, 64-bit.  Not running in protected mode. Tried multiple permutations of IE Security settings for  Internet and Local intranet levels--with no resolution.

Strangely, when Local intranet to Custom -> Low level, and restarting, I would get exactly one launch of either Simplify toolbox with the Tolerance fields displaying.  Launch either again and they were gone.

So this is some weird ActiveX/.NET permissions issue in at least these two toolboxes. Fortunately calling the toolbox by batch, or using the Python window or an out of process Python script all seem to function. Just not as easy for folks looking to flush through model builder.

Does anyone know if this has been assigned a NIM bug number?  I've asked and will post it here if I get a response from Esri.

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MVP Frequent Contributor
Heard back from Esri tech support--this is logged in Nimbus as bug NIM097058

Not yet fixed, suggested work around is to uninstall IE 11


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New Contributor
My colleague Nik Stevenson-Molner got the same (or very similar) problem and solved it by uninstalling Internet Explorer 11 upgrade, leaving the Internet E 10.  I tried that to no avail so far...

I was having this issue with the tolerance missing in both 10.1 and even when I upgraded to 10.2.  Internet Explorer was causing the problem.  ESRI Support had me uninstall Internet Explorer 11 completely.  Follow directions here:  Also, do not have any other versions of Internet Explorer installed.  Just use Chrome or Firefox.  All is good for me now.

Why ESRI can't post to this forum or provide a fix without us humping through hoops is behind me....
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New Contributor
ESRI Support had me uninstall Internet Explorer 11 completely.

It is not necessary to uninstall explorer 11 and 10. In Windows7 there is an option to shut off windows functions. When you do that, the tool works correct.
Support should know that, though...

Turn off Internet explorer in Windows7
Open the Control Panel
Choose Programs
Choose Programs and features, turn Windows features on and off
A panel shows - turn off Internet explorer

And go ahead with simplifying!
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New Contributor II
I tried this method for my Windows 8.1 machine, but to no avail (I know your instructions were for Win 7).

It is not necessary to uninstall explorer 11 and 10. In Windows7 there is an option to shut off windows functions. When you do that, the tool works correct.
Support should know that, though...

Turn off Internet explorer in Windows7
Open the Control Panel
Choose Programs
Choose Programs and features, turn Windows features on and off
A panel shows - turn off Internet explorer

And go ahead with simplifying!
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Occasional Contributor

I have the same problem since 10.1

Shutting of IE changes nothing...

Used python scripting as workaround

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MVP Alum

This issue is still around in ArcGIS 10.2.1.  I tried to run Simplify Polygon this morning and could not find a place to enter the Tolerance

Luckily, the workaround advice offered by Emilly Foster on batch processing the tool works (see above in thread).


Chris Donohue, GISP

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