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Select By Location within a map layer?

03-04-2012 06:04 PM
New Contributor
Hi everyone.  I have a layer of polygon features showing the footprints of all of the buildings in a given city.  I want to know if there's a way to find all of the buildings that are located within 100 feet of any other buildings.  It doesn't seem this can be done using Search By Location, since all the features are on the same layer.  Does anyone know if there's another way to do this?  Thanks!
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MVP Honored Contributor
Hi everyone.  I have a layer of polygon features showing the footprints of all of the buildings in a given city.  I want to know if there's a way to find all of the buildings that are located within 100 feet of any other buildings.  It doesn't seem this can be done using Search By Location, since all the features are on the same layer.  Does anyone know if there's another way to do this?  Thanks!

You could do a Spatial Join with a 100 foot tolerance and ignore identical FID values.  Two layers pointing to the same dataset may work, but the worst case would involve creating a temporary copy.
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