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Raster to Polygon Conversion Problem

03-21-2014 11:49 AM
Emerging Contributor
Hello all,

I am trying to convert a reclassified raster file into a polygon. When I do so within the model builder environment, the resulting file does not line up with the raster file. I have tried creating a new model and playing with the environmental settings - changing the snap raster, etc. When I perform the conversion outside of the model builder, it works perfectly. Does anyone have any idea why this is happening only within model builder? I have attached an image to show how the polygon and raster are not aligning.

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2 Replies
Honored Contributor
I wonder why you are trying to do it in model builder.

However I may not work because model builder may not able to work the geospatial transformation correctly.

Hello all,

I am trying to convert a reclassified raster file into a polygon. When I do so within the model builder environment, the resulting file does not line up with the raster file. I have tried creating a new model and playing with the environmental settings - changing the snap raster, etc. When I perform the conversion outside of the model builder, it works perfectly. Does anyone have any idea why this is happening only within model builder? I have attached an image to show how the polygon and raster are not aligning.

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New Contributor
I am having the same problem, and would love to find a solution.  rborchert, I can't speak for the original poster, but the reason I'm trying to run raster to polygon in modelbuilder is that I have approximately 300 rasters to convert, and could save an immense amount of time doing it in model builder.  I'm sure there are other reasons people might want to do it as well.

I'm going to attempt iterating this task in a python script, and will post back if I figure anything out.
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