I want to convert my .dat raster files to Tiff. I want to use "raster to other format (multiple)" since I have lot of files to convert to Tiff rasther than expot as Tiff file one by one. But I get an error when I open it from Arc Toolbox before I select my Input rasters and the error is not shown when I click on error sign So I can see what is the problem is!.
I use Arcmap 10.6 version.
Would someone help me with this?
Did you click on the folder icon beside the input line? You aren't showing the folder you were navigating to.
Raster To Other Format—Conversion toolbox | ArcGIS Desktop
An error will occur if one of the rasters isn't supported, but I suspect you haven't gotten far enough to select the folder/workspace to make the selection
I actually select folder and my files many times and I see the same error. I am getting this error before I do anything.
I have tried selecting my input files and the error is like this.
I don't have arcmap, but it worked in pro. I converted both ways, so the tool actually works. The 2 source and destination folders were on the C:\ drive... local and real, not a usb drive or other type. Is your E drive a local hard drive?
Yes. It is local hard drive. I also try changing my current workspace from environments(somebody says it can help) but it does not help.
and I can export each files seperately as .Tiff file using "Export" So there is not any problem with my Input files.
The warning shows up as I click on "Raster to other fromat" before I select my input images or other options.
I used a shorter paths... that is the only difference I can see offhand.
Hi Paria,
If the error is occurring even before we enter data, that might point to an issue with the installation and not with the data. Can we try a repair install?
Hi lauren,
I actually tried uninstalling and installing again two times but the error continues to showup.
But I will try it again for being sure.
Hi Paria,
We can try a targeted python reset. It generally takes less time than the full uninstall/reinstall: