Python memory error (how to pin it down)

11-08-2010 05:54 AM
Emerging Contributor
Hi all,

If anyone can point me in the right direction I'd be extremely grateful - I'm running out of ideas.

I have a fairly lengthy geoprocessing script (attached) that calculates a "water balance" for my study region. I have rasters representing monthly rainfall and evapo-transpiration going back over 4 decades, together with information on soil properties etc.

My script loops over all of my time-series data and writes the output rasters to a folder on my hard disk. It works fine when I use only a sub-set of the data, but with the whole lot I get a "Memory error" (nothing more helpful unfortunately). I can't easily run my code in chunks as the output from each loop is fed into the next loop as the input; it'd be nice to do it all in one go.

When I watch my code run in the task manager it clearly releases most of the memory that has been used at the end of each loop, but a small amount is not released and the memory usage grows over time. I'm trying to pin this down, but I'm fairly new to all this and the deeper I dig the more confused I get! As far as I can tell from the forums, there are three main possibilities (feel free to add more!):

1. The geoprocessor is leaking memory,
2. My python code (lots of numpy algebra) is leaking memory,
3. I'm trying to write too many rasters into a workspace and there's some kind of limit I don't know about.

For 1, I've read on the forums that the geoprocessor can leak memory. Most of these posts relate to older versions of the gp - have all of these problems been solved for version 9.3? My code actually makes very little use of the geoprocessor anyway: within each loop, I use gp.Resample_management twice and gp.AddMessage once. Is this enough to cause a serious memory leak over many iterations? Some of the forum posts give me the impression that gp memory leaks are characterised by continuously increasing memory consumption and a decrease in processing speed - is this right? My code memory usage oscillates and grows slowly, the processing speed only decreases slightly during runtime.

For 2, I don't really know where to start. My code uses the excellent MGET toolset ( to convert ESRI grids into numpy masked arrays. I then perform lots of array algebra using numpy before using MGET to turn the output back into an ESRI grid. I'm trying this approach because it's much faster than using the geoprocessor and the syntax is more intuitive. I don't really understand how Python deals with memory allocation. I've read about something called the garbage collector, and if I explicitly delete and then collect all of my intermediate objects at the end of each loop (using del) my code gets a bit further. It still grinds to a halt eventually though. I naively assumed that Python would be able to loop more-or-less indefinitely, simply over-writing the previous set of objects on each loop. Is this not the case? If I delete all of my intermediates, what else is there that could be hogging memory?

3. I've read that there might be a limit to the number of rasters that can exist in a particular workspace. My output rasters are grouped by year into folders, so I don't think this should be a problem, but is there some kind of memory expenditure involved in repeatedly writing to the same workspace (clutching at straws here)?

I've read about using spawnv/sub-process to force the gp to release its memory at the end of each iteration, but I'm not too sure how to go about doing this, and if my problem isn't with the geoprocessor it might not get me very far. As the vast majority of my code is within a loop, will the sub-process not just run out of memory instead? (Sorry if this is a daft question).

My code's attached below. I'm new to programming, so it's probably horrendous - apologies.

Thanks for reading this far. Any tips or suggestions very much appreciated!

For info I'm using:
ArcInfo 9.3.1, Python 2.5.
Windows XP with 2GB RAM
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6 Replies
Deactivated User
I don't know python that well, been learning recently so I've noticed some memory problems in related posts:

Some offer workarounds, or simply acknowledge the problem exists and that there is a solution being developed.

Any of those seem similar to what you are experiencing?
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Frequent Contributor
Step through it in a debugger (I recommend PyScripter or winpdb) and on the second iteration of each loop, look for any variables (especially any large objects) declared in that loop that have a value upon entering the loop. They shouldn't if you don't want a memory leak.

For any offending variables, make sure to either use del or set its value to None before exiting the loop.
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Emerging Contributor
Thanks very much for the replies - I was running out of ideas and you've helped me to get going again. Still no luck so far though.

In reply to SaultDon:
Thanks, I hadn't seen the links that you posted, although I have read a lot of posts on the old forum relating to similar things. Many of the problems sound familiar but I haven't had much luck yet with the various work-arounds. I'm trying to get my code running in a sub-process at the minute - fingers crossed!

In reply to lpugh01:
Great idea - thanks! I've tried your suggestion and all of my variables are set to none before entering the next loop, except for one which represents the water level. I can't delete this as the water level at the end of loop n is used as the initial water level for the start of loop (n+1). Will this create an inherent memory leak? The water level variable is initially declared before the loop starts, so I don't think I'm doing anything wrong here, unless I've misunderstood the basics of looping (quite possible!).

I'll keep trying. Thanks again!
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Frequent Contributor
Is the variable in question a simple data type like an integer or is it a big object? If it's just an integer I can't imagine that being the cause of the memory leak.
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Esri Alum
Another thing you can try is to isolate when the memory is leaking; you can monitor the process with psutil, maybe in conjunction with some additional superfluous logging in your loops to see what calls correlate with the leak and work from there.
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Emerging Contributor
Thanks for the additional replies. I think I'm slowly making progress.

In reply to Logan: The variable is actually quite large - it's a masked array representing the spatial distribution of the water level in my study area. I guess this could be the problem, but I'm increasingly convinced that my troubles boil down to the usual geoprocessor memory leak (see below).

In reply to Jason: Thanks - psutil is really handy! After a bit of messing about, I'm fairly sure that it's the gp that's leaking memory. I've modified my code to run each gp operation in a separate sub-process and for the first time it's completed successfully 😄 The only problem is it now runs very slowly, as creating the gp again and again takes a while. I'm hoping to be able to streamline things a bit by re-structuring the way that my sub-process(es) run, and you've already helped me along with that on the other thread.

Thanks to both of you for taking the time to respond. Without some of the ideas on here I'd be sobbing into my keyboard by now.
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