Hello, Is it possible to project a geometry to another geometry in memory using ARCPY. I am trying to take a XY coordinate and create in memory features to project the coordinate system. I have used the following code to do so, but the project statement doesn't work. I get ERROR 000944: Output feature class cannot be in the in_memory workspace.
import string,sys,os,arcpy
point = arcpy.Point(x_coord,y_coord) Pnt_geom = arcpy.PointGeometry(point, in_coord_system) Pnt_geom_out = arcpy.Geometry()
This code works if i put in a shapefile name in the place to the Pnt_geom_out variable. My 4 variables (x_coord, y_coord, in_coord_system, out_coord_system) are all valid.
This looks like an excellent workaround for the original poster but I am not sure that it will be able to help me. The reason for that is that the feature class that I want to Project has (at a guess, because I am not onsite today to check) 10,000 or so polygons, and in this instance I cannot use arcpy.da because that client is at ArcGIS 10.0.