I am running into the same error as Caleb1987 when attempting to intersect a fishnet with a line dataset. The original line dataset is extremely large, so I have been sizing it down to many subsets to expediate processing. This worked fine for the first 8 batches, however for some reason it will not work now. I have tried running it through both ArcMap and Catalog (v10.1), with background processing enabled and disabled, and also with the service pack and 64bit background processing. I'm not actually getting that error message anymore, but the process just gets stuck at "Assembling Features" and doesn't progress. I have let it process for over 24 hours, and still I return to the office to see it stuck at the assembling features stage. I've tried running this intersect multiple times, and after cancelling the process and opening the attribute table of the output feature class, it always has exactly 50,000 records. This makes me think it is a systematic problem rather than a problem with the data itself? This subset is no larger than the other subsets that I have successfully processed, so I am confused why it is particularly troublesome.
Any suggestions??
Thank you!
P.S. - I'm using a computer with 12 GB of RAM, Intel(R) Core i7 processor.