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polygons merge in one shapefile

04-03-2014 01:24 AM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Original User: jwalkerack

Hi , i have a shape file with it made of several polygons which are connected to one another the polygons over lap one another with lines. See attached diagram

what i would like to have is one polygon , which  is defined by the perimeter of the shape. So i would like there to be no lines in the middle of a shape just the permiter line

i have tried using the merge and dissove funcations , but i m still left with some lines on my shape

Does anyone have some ideas ?

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2 Replies
MVP Honored Contributor
Hi , i have a shape file with it made of several polygons which are connected to one another the polygons over lap one another with lines. See attached diagram

what i would like to have is one polygon , which  is defined by the perimeter of the shape. So i would like there to be no lines in the middle of a shape just the permiter line

i have tried using the merge and dissove funcations , but i m still left with some lines on my shape

Does anyone have some ideas ?


Dissolve is the tool to use.  The polygons do not match up topologically at the edges.  Make a copy and try different settings of the Integrate tool to generalize the shapes enough to match up at the edges before doing the Dissolve.  Integrate permanently alters the source shapes directly, so always make a backup of the unaltered shapes in case the tool messes up your data and you need to start over.
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by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Original User: merebears

Another option is to go start an editing session and select those leftover slivers and manually delete them.  It's the long way around to fixing the problem but can be used as a last resort.
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