Has anybody found a solution to this error?
I'm trying to convert a large polygon dataset, 90,000+ polygons with elevation values, into a raster so I can add create a "pseudo-digital surface model" along with a DEM.
When I try to execute the "Polygon to Raster" process, I receive:
Executing: PolygonToRaster "Database Connections\sdename.sde\name.Structures\name.Buildings_elev_corrected" ELEVATION C:\Projects\county\dem\dem_blg_rev CELL_CENTER NONE 2
Start Time: Thu Jun 28 13:53:18 2012
ERROR 999999: Error executing function.
Failed to execute (PolygonToRaster).
Failed at Thu Jun 28 13:53:19 2012 (Elapsed Time: 1.00 seconds)
The connection string has been renamed for obvious reasons.
Is the polygon dataset too large for the process? I tried "Feature to Raster", too, but still I receive an error.