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polygon to raster

01-15-2012 02:30 AM
Emerging Contributor
I am trying to convert a polygon shape file to raster. It works fine as long as I choose the cell size as 1 or more. However, I need to work with a different raster grid and thus need to have a cell size smaller than 1. Unfortunately as soon as I choose a cell size smaller than 1 the tool does not work and I get an error. What could be causing this?
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8 Replies
MVP Emeritus
What is the error?
What is the extent of the raster?
Are you trying to create the raster in a folder path that contains a space?
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Emerging Contributor
The error is just a generic error as follows:
Start Time: Sun Jan 15 23:20:10 2012
ERROR 999999: Error executing function.
Failed to execute (Polygon to Raster).
Failed at Sun Jan 15 23:20:10 2012 (Elapsed Time: 0,00 seconds)

There is no space in the folder path. I am not sure what the extent is.
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MVP Emeritus
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Emerging Contributor
sorry, but the above link doesnt work. It keeps asking me to log in.
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Emerging Contributor
I was retrying to convert from polygon to raster (same thing happens when I use features to raster), I get the above mentioned error but when i actually check the directory the raster file actually gets created. I dont see why this should happen.
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MVP Emeritus
here is the error
Bug NIM-063257
PolygonToRaster - output cellsize and extent values do not have decimal values in comma locale when input cell size has decimals (only with grid output and only reproduciable in 10).
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Emerging Contributor
thanks a lot for the update. Bust does this mean there is nothing I can do about it?
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Deactivated User
Has anybody found a solution to this error?

I'm trying to convert a large polygon dataset, 90,000+ polygons with elevation values, into a raster so I can add create a "pseudo-digital surface model" along with a DEM.

When I try to execute the "Polygon to Raster" process, I receive:

Executing: PolygonToRaster "Database Connections\sdename.sde\name.Structures\name.Buildings_elev_corrected" ELEVATION C:\Projects\county\dem\dem_blg_rev CELL_CENTER NONE 2
Start Time: Thu Jun 28 13:53:18 2012
ERROR 999999: Error executing function.
Failed to execute (PolygonToRaster).
Failed at Thu Jun 28 13:53:19 2012 (Elapsed Time: 1.00 seconds)

The connection string has been renamed for obvious reasons.

Is the polygon dataset too large for the process? I tried "Feature to Raster", too, but still I receive an error.
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