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Point File Information/Average Point Spacing in Model Builder

08-31-2012 06:10 AM
Deactivated User
I am trying to create a script that processes LAS files into Multipoint shapefiles. I am using the Point File Information tool first to get the Average Point Spacing variable and attempting to use that for input into the LAS To Multipoint Tool.

When you add the Point File Information tool into Model Builder it automatically generates two output bubbles: 1) Output Feature Class, and 2) Average Point Spacing. Average Point Spacing is a double data type. I then add the LAS to Multipoint tool and specify the Average Point Spacing variable as input. However, when I run the tool, I get the error that the input variable Average Point Spacing is not specified. I have tried to set Average Point Spacing as a precondition for LAS to Multipoint, but it still tries to run the tool without the value being calculated from the Point File Information tool.

Why can't the LAS to Multipoint tool recognize the Average Point Spacing variable generated from the Point File Information tool?
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1 Reply
New Contributor

Hi there, i'm having exactly the same problem as you... except my point file information is in XYZ format. Do you know how you fixed this issue? Thanks

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