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Null Values with Extract Multi Values to Points

09-21-2011 07:47 AM
New Contributor
When I use the Extract Multi Values to Points (Spatial Analyst) all my points receive a <null> value even though there are values in the rasters (DEM and aspect) where the points are located.

I tested the Extract Values to Points tool, and the results were correct; However I would like the values in the original point file and to do multiple rasters at once. Any suggestions on what might be wrong?
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23 Replies
Regular Contributor
Same issues here.  Tried shape file, SDE, checked CRS of dataframe and rasters.  Extract Values to Points works fine, Multi Values returns null?
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Deactivated User
Same problem here.  Didn't work for either discrete or continuous GRIDs.
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Deactivated User
As posted on other threads, the point file and raster(s) need to be in the same coordinate system as the GP tool does not do on-the-fly projection during the processing.  I tried it and it works.
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New Contributor
I have the same problem, and all my layers in the same projection. It appears that a problem occurs where one of the rasters has 'null', the tools then just assigns 'null' to that point for all other rasters which are below it onthe list of input rasters. Very frustrating, I don't have a fix yet being carefully choosing the order you put your raster layers into the tool, but this can't always work when differnt rasters have different areas of missing data!

Please ket me know if anyone has a better idea.
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New Contributor
I have the same problem, and all my layers in the same projection. It appears that a problem occurs where one of the rasters has 'null', the tools then just assigns 'null' to that point for all other rasters which are below it onthe list of input rasters. Very frustrating, I don't have a fix yet being carefully choosing the order you put your raster layers into the tool, but this can't always work when differnt rasters have different areas of missing data!

Please ket me know if anyone has a better idea.

We have had the same problem and have wasted a lot of time trying to determine the cause. In the end, we've had to mosaic the rasters, which also takes a lot of time, and read the values from the one raster to points (none overlap).  Yes, very frustrating!  Please can ESRI address this issue?
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New Contributor
I had the same problems. I then decided to change the NoData cells to a value ( After that the tool "Extract Multi Values to Points" worked absolutely fine. It is probably time consuming, if you have to change NoData to value for each Raster. Instead I used a simple loop (python-script) to do it. That was fine for me then.

I hope that helps you somehow!
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New Contributor
I had a similar problem with null values and found that it was because the file was open in ArcMap. When I closed the file values came out fine. I also had a problem trying to extract values from an unsigned 16-byte multi-layer raster *.img file. I got nonsense negative values. This was solved by converting the file to a floating point image, then values came out just fine.
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Deactivated User
Has Esri come up with an official answer and solution for the problem ?

I am having the same problem today, but the tool worked fine a few weeks ago. It is really depressing that something that was working fine before just starts acting weird. Nothing seems certain anymore and it's hard to trust any tool.
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Esri Contributor

What version of the software are you using? Including this info, is helpful to narrow down any related issues.

Regarding to the issue identified in this thread with respect to NULL values, there was an issue found when an input point fell on a cell that had a NoData value and multiple input rasters were provided.  This issue (, was resolved in 10.1 SP1.

If your input contains NoDATA, one workaround as mentioned a post, was to use a loop to iterate through each input raster individually. This can be done is a python script or Model Builder using a raster iterator.

Any further issues you have it is best to contact technical support and submit an issue directly, that way we can work towards resolving the issue or providing the proper information for you to continue with your work.

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